

1.     每位人只須登记,重覆登记者將不獲受理。

2.     申請人提供之個人資料必須真實、準確、有效及完整。



1.     在本網上平台填報及上載的個人資料只供作處理正向二十四味活動的有關事宜。

2.     如對網上平台收集的個人資料有疑問,包括要求查閱和改正資料,請與我們職員聯絡。

3.     資料在傳送至伺服器時會進行加密,以保護資料傳送的機密性及完整性。



Application Guidelines

1.         Each individual should only register once, duplicate registrations will not be accepted.

2.         The personal information provided by the applicant must be true, accurate, valid, and complete.


Personal Information Collection Statement

1.     The personal data collected on this platform will be used for the purposes of processing activities relating to 24 Flavors of Positive Thinking ONLY.

2.     Please contact our staff if you have any enquiries concerning the personal data collected, including the requests for access and correction.

3.     Data will be encrypted during transmission to Web servers in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data transfer.