e-Learning Platform

正向電影院第六卷 —— 節目重溫


The '24 Flavors' project selects movie clips 🎬 and highlights the positive character strengths 💪🏻 of the characters in the 'Positive Cinema' program. We hope that the audience can immerse themselves in the roles, discover themselves, and understand their own 'Character Strengths.' Through this, we aim to inspire personal character, attitude, and habits with positive thinking, encouraging everyone to actively write their own life story 🌈.


🤝團隊合作秘笈一:化解矛盾先要改變視野👁️👁️ 💡相信建基於視界💡若我們只相信眼睛所見的,一有矛盾,你有你講,我有我講;你有你想,我有我想,無法跳出自身的認知框架,理解對方的視野和立場,又如何化解矛盾合作下去呢? 🤝團隊合作秘笈二:化解矛盾再要化解内心「金箍」 面臨拆夥危機時,撫心自問,問題根源是否出自自己身上?自大?驕傲?妒忌?👿🤪 🤝團隊合作秘笈三:⭕學做沙憎,勿做八戒💡團隊士氣大增💪🏻💪🏻 ❌八戒🐷:喜歡抱怨、輕言散夥 ✔️沙憎👨🏻‍🌾:默默耕耘、盡忠職守  


歡迎團體或個人報名觀看《西遊記之三打白骨精》電影足本版😆🎬🍿 播映時間: 逢周一至周四 下午4:00 (假期除外) 地點:「廿四味紅館」(西營盤德輔道西 246 號東慈商業中心 7 樓 703 室) 報名請電郵至24flavors@cdia.org.hk


正向電影第六卷 – 足本重溫

  • 足本重溫
  • 精華片段